Natural medicine is not only the use of natural methods of treatment, but also the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy eating, exercise and avoiding stress
The autumn-winter period has come and it would be good to support our immune system by introducing fermented food to our menu. I wanted to encourage you to eat raw sauerkraut and drink sauerkraut juice which has many health-promoting properties. It is excellent source of beneficial bacteria and vitamins.
Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that undergoes a fermentation process after sprinkling it with salt. As a result of fermentation and decomposition of sugars by bacteria, lactic acid is formed, which gives the cabbage a characteristic sour taste. It is a very healthy food product, because lactic acid bacteria have a positive effect on the intestinal flora and the human immune system. Sauerkraut contains vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. It is also a great source of B vitamins, vitamins A, E and K. It is low in calories – 100g contains about 30 calories.
It is best to eat raw sauerkraut because heat processing destroys live probiotics and viable digestive enzymes. Always by raw, organic sauerkraut. You can find it online or in health food shops.
Sauerkraut should be eaten raw as an ingredient in salads. You can also eat it cooked as a stuffing for dumplings or croquettes. Cooked sauerkraut goes well with mushrooms and peas. Sauerkraut is also used to make a delicious and healthy soup.
Remember, if you have never eaten fermented food before, it’s important to not overdose on them right off the bat — take your time and build your tolerance up to sauerkraut if you’ve never had it before. Start by eating a tablespoon a day, then progress to two, until you feel comfortable eating a full cup serving.
Sauerkraut contains a large amount of sodium, so people suffering from arterial hypertension, people suffering from kidneys and people with cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases of the digestive system should not eat it in excess. The sodium content of sauerkraut can be reduced by either rinsing it one-two times in cold water before consuming it, or by boiling it and then draining the water.
If you have any concerns whether sauerkraut is good for you because of your health condition look for an advise of dietitian or your GP.
SAUERKRAUT SALAD (for two persons)

100-150g of raw, organic sauerkraut
1 carrot grated
1 apple peeled and grated
1small anion chopped
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Salt, ground pepper
Put all ingredients to a bowl, add olive oil, pinch of salt, ground pepper and mix. It is delicious with fried fish also with roasted beef and lamb.
If you are interested in other dishes with sauerkraut do not hesitate to ask for recipes.